A warranty is a promise from the seller of a product or service that the product or service will meet certain expectations. Warranties can be express, such as the written warranty that comes with a computer or a car, or implied by law.

Under the laws of most states, most products automatically come with two implied warranties: the warranty of merchantability and the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. These warranties are designed to ensure that when you buy a product, it does what it was designed and marketed to do. At, Fernandez Hennessy LLP we are committed to helping consumers fight back against the deceptive practices of corporations

Fernandez Hennessy LLP represents victims of warranty fraud, including fraudulent denial of warranty claims. We are dedicated to protecting and vindicating the rights of consumers through aggressive litigation, negotiating and advocacy.

Lemon Law:
California’s Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act provides consumers with the right to obtain a refund or replacement if their newly purchased, car, truck, or boat was sold without disclosing.