Advertising and marketing are the most effective ways to promote a product or service.  Consumers rely heavily on the representations made and expect to be given an accurate description of the product or service purchased.  However, corporations often include false, misleading or deceptive statements in advertising to persuade consumers to purchase a specific product or service.

There are many state and federal laws in place to prevent corporations from intentionally misleading consumers.  At Fernandez Hennessy LLP we fight to protect consumers and hold corporations accountable for deceptive and unfair business practices in the following areas:

  • Bait and switch schemes

  • Unsupported clinical studies

  • Deceptive labeling

  • Failure to disclose important information

  • Unadvertised surcharges

  • Footnote disclaimers

  • False testimonials, comparative advertising or endorsements

  • Hidden fees

  • False offers for “free” products, rebates or contests