Class Actions Hold Corporations Accountable

Corporations know that when individual consumers are cheated out of a small amount of money, the consumer will not invest the time or money into a lawsuit.  Class actions allow consumers to join together and file a lawsuit for their injuries when the individual claims would not justify litigation.

What is a class action?

A class action is a lawsuit filed by an individual or several people (class representative) on behalf of a larger group of people (the class).  The class must consist of a group of individuals or business entities that have suffered a common injury.  Class actions are often times the only way to stop illegal practices because the individual's claims are not large enough to merit a lawsuit.

Once the lawsuit if filed, the court must make a determination whether the case should proceed as a class action or individual action.  There are many factors that go into the determination.  It is crucial that you have trial attorneys who understand these nuances like we do at Fernandez Hennessy LLP.  Call (310) 305-1280 or send us an email to discuss your case.

What type of cases can be brought as class action?

Class actions are used in many areas, but the most common include false advertising, failure to comply with consumer protection laws, illegal charges on bill, hidden fees, wage and hour violations, unpaid overtime, failure to provide breaks, defective products, and securities violations.